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Mayflower Primary School is a medium sized primary school for children aged 4-11 years on the North Essex coast. We are a mere stone's-throw from the seafront, situated in attractive grounds with a large playing field, which includes climbing apparatus for the children to play on, and dedicated space for children in the Reception class to use. We also have a wildlife/woodland area for use in our science lessons and for our development of Forest Schools.  

The school has 14 classes, two per year group. We have a main hall with a stage, a separate dining hall, a purpose built Early Years setting for Reception, a small library, a Nurture (or wellness) room, activity areas and administrative offices. There is disabled access to the building. 

At Mayflower we have high expectations and are developing a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. In addition to the acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding, importance is placed on developing the child as an individual, capable of independent learning and self-discipline. 

We pride ourselves on our positive, friendly atmosphere and caring attitude. The whole school works together, alongside our pastoral care team, to create a positive environment and a sense of community. 

At Mayflower we strongly encourage parent partnerships and parental involvement; the involvement of our Family Liaison and Pastoral Care team aims to develop this further. Teaching staff, the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and the Head teacher are always willing to discuss matters concerning individual children. Parents are welcomed into school for class assemblies, ‘Wow’ celebration assemblies and special lunches and events. Some parents also help in school on a voluntary basis, hearing readers or just lending a helping hand. We also regularly take part in fundraising events; regulars such as the MacMillan Coffee morning, Red Nose Day and Sport Relief are always well supported.