SEND at Mayflower Primary School comes in a variety of different forms. The documents below show just how wide and varied our support is for the pupils.
Each pupil is unique and therefore needs to be reviewed as an individual, not a diagnosis or difficulty. As a school we ensure high quality teaching is at the heart of any classroom. We believe that every child has the ability to succeed and as teachers and support staff we are there to facilitate and provide the resources to enable this to happen.
We offer many different support strategies in school. Below are just a few of those that are on offer;
- Full Time Speech and Language Support Assistant (SALSA) who liaises with NHS SALT
- 2 full time Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs)
- Chunk, our school therapy dog
- High quality teaching in the classroom
- A wealth of technology to support learning in the classrooms
- Forest school and outdoor learning
In addition, we have been awarded Communication Hub status and will be working with Essex County Council SLCN to promote communication within the local area.
Our SENCO, Miss Oddi, is a fully qualified teacher with a wealth of experience. She holds both the National Senco award and a Masters in SEND and Inclusion. Miss Oddi is on the gate at the start and end of school to answer quick questions but you can also make an appointment to speak to her.